An essential oils travel kit can be very helpful thing to keep around. In general essential oils are good for a large number of different ailments, which is why it can be very important to carry some very basic, but important, essential oils with you when you travel.

Everyone knows that traveling comes with its own set of issues. Sometimes people get motion sick, or actually sick, and who wants to feel yucky when they are traveling away from the comfort of their home? Another thing that essential oils can help to curb is anxiety. It is completely normal for a person to feel a lot of anxiety when traveling away from their homes, certain oils can take that feeling away.

Best Essential Oils For Travel
Best Essential Oils For Travel

There is an essential, essential oils list, that you should always carry in your essential oils travel kit. It may seem troublesome to pack all of these things, but believe that if you ever have a need for any of the things that these oils can do, you will be wishing that you had them.

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What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Best Essential Oils For Travel

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Black Pepper Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils Travel
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black pepper has been known to improve digestion. This little oil can be great for when you’re trying new foods from all around the world. It also relieves stomach spasms, in case you eat something that just doesn’t agree with your tummy. One really huge thing that black pepper can do is cure bacterial infections in the mouth, colon, digestive system, and urinary tract. This can be very helpful on a trip where you may be prone to getting these kinds of infections.


Sage Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Sage Essential Oil

Sage has been known to be great in aiding concentration. It can also be used to purify your space, uplift your mood and it strengthens the immune system so that you can remain happy and healthy on your trip. Sage can be a huge help to have in your essential oils travel kit if you get sick, by giving your immune system a much needed boost to fight of any infections you may come in contact with.


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Peppermint Essential Oil 

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Peppermint Essential Oil
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oils has a great number of different qualities, including the fact that it naturally relieves headaches. Peppermint also boosts energy, treats nausea and upset stomach. It is also a wonderful digestive aid when someone has possibly eaten a bit too much.


Frankincense Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Frankincense Essential Oil
Best Essential Oils For Travel – Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense is extremely effective as an antiseptic and can help to cleans things. It can also help with a lot of the symptoms of PMS including abdominal pain, nausea, headache, fatigue, and mood swings. (yay ladies)
Frankincense relieves stress, so it can help with any kind of travel stress that you may be feeling from being so far away from home.


Rose Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Rose Essential Oil
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit  – Rose Essential Oil

Rose can be extremely helpful to have in your essential oils travel kit because it treats wounds and helps stop infection. It also fights bacteria and can be used in the treatment of typhoid, diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, and other diseases which are caused by bacteria.  Rose oil has the ability to help with anxiety as well, which can be extremely helpful if you are dealing with any kind of set back while traveling.


Coconut Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Coconut Essential Oil
Best Essential Oils For Travel – Coconut Essential Oil

Coconut oil is a very important oil  not just for your essential oils travel kit but to have no matter where you are. It naturally relieves sunburn, improves immunity, can be used for stress relief and is a great energy booster. It can also be used to cleanse and care for wounds, put on top of tattoos and for a moisturizer. Coconut oil should be kept on you no matter where you are going and when. It is one of the most essential oils that you could keep around. It is a base oil so any time you are using essential oils you should be putting them into coconut or another base oil.


Bergamot Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Bergamot Essential Oil
Best Essential Oils For Travel – Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil reduces pain and it is very helpful in case of headaches, sprains, and muscle aches. It is a relaxant and sedative, which can be great if you are an anxious traveler. Bergamot essential oil also eliminates bad odor and it’s an excellent deodorant.


⇒ Want to learn more about the best essential oil brands? Check out my full post HERE


Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Eucalyptus Essential Oil
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil treats the cold and the Flu, plus it relieves muscle pain. It also helps with things like sinus and allergies. No one wants to be on vacation and traveling while hurting or sick, eucalyptus essential oil can help you with these issues.


Jojoba Essential Oil

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Jojoba Essential oil
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Jojoba Essential oil

Jojoba essential oil is a base oil and can be used to place other oils into, just like coconut oil. Jojoba oil moisturizes skin, treats chapped lips, protects from sunburn and prevents frizzy hair. This is a great oil to keep in your essential oils travel kit, as you never know what kind of conditions you are going to encounter on your journey. It could be extremely hot or cold, too dry or too moist, and jojoba essential oil has the ability to help with issues like these.


Lavender Essential Oil 

Best Essential Oils For Travel - Lavender Essential oil
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit – Lavender Essential oil

Lavender essential oil is another one of those great oils that you can use absolutely anywhere. This oil is a great bug repellent that will naturally keep away a large number of different bugs. Lavender essential oil also helps aid sleep, relieves stress and anxiety. It can also be an amazing pain reliever. Lavender esential oil is one of the greatest essential oils that there is. it can go into any base oil and be very helpful, plus it is gentle enough to use for the whole family.


Best Essential Oils For Travel
What To Pack In Your Essential Oils Travel Kit


Essential oils can be a huge help in your everyday life, but can be an even bigger help while traveling around. So keep a few of these oils in your essential oils travel kit and bypass many known travel issues.

Please keep in mind that it is never recommended that you ingest any kind of essential oil in any fashion. It is also recommended that you address a doctor or essential oil professional before using essential oils in any fashion at all. This is because there are a lot of risks with using these oils. Just as well as they can help you they can also harm you.

It is recommended that people with certain conditions and people with very severe seasonal allergies avoid the use of essential oils, especially without consulting the advice of a professional. Always make sure that you are doing your research before you are just deciding to use something out of the blue.

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10 Best Essential Oils for Travel - What to pack in your essential oils travel kit